Just call me Neo. Although i already have a popular nickname, Nike, always called by my classmates of high schools, i prefer a better English name before i go to U.S. as degree transfer student. Using Chinese name there is very weird. Besides, my Chinese name is hard to pronounce.
Never thing that i will type a blog before until my friend asked to see my blog yet i don't have one. Before that i always think that typing blog is a waste of time. But now i feel that typing blog as my diary isn't a bad idea as i won't forget things as easy as usual. Actually is because she was the one who ask.. or i don't think i will hurry come to type a blog..XD
I have been study in INTI University College for 5 months. Time really pass through like a rocket. Feel like i was cheated.. Most of my relatives say that study in University is very convenient but i am busy like a shit. It true that i just need to carry a few books for class, but i prefer to take more books which i can take one year to finish them in high school then less books i need to take but i need to finish them in 3 months time. Each of those books are about 400++ pages, same thick as high school text books. So can imagine how busy i am. i take 5 subject this semester. Besides, i i learn the 3ds max with my friend, Raymond. That is a modelling program. Use it to do animation isn't a problem. But now we still studying basic things. Later i will post the pictures of our work. He was confuse after i decided to use Neo as my new English name. Now he is playing pc games with Nike but study 3ds mas with Neo ==!
This semester after considered the timetable, i decided to join only one club. Last time i join 5 clubs yet i only go to 3 of them eventually because life in university isn't that free.
I am sick these few days. A little fever, cough,and catch cold. Similar to the symptom of swine flu(A influenza). After read the news that the swine flu(A influenza) came to Malaysia then i start to worry. Hope it is not.. or i will need to be quarantine..Ohh no!!!!